Take a look at our fabulous NEW toys


Need some ideas on what to build next? Take a look at some of these ideas for inspiration! Once you start playing with them you'll discover all the ways they fit together. Enjoy creating your own 2D and 3D models. You will be a pro at building them in no time!

Build flags of the world with Plus-Plus

Build flags and quiz your family and friends: which country is it, can you name one city in that country, one characteristic or what do you associate with the country?

Time 2 Learn

Make your own clock, build Plus-Plus numbers (instructions in the box below this), decorate your clock and make it a full creative session involving more elements as numbers, colours, patterns, decoration.

Learning is way more fun when it is played.

Build cool colourful robots

Follow these instructions to build some cool robots.

Under the Sea

Colourful under the sea jellyfish creatures to play with.

Do you like animals?

You can build any animal you like with Plus-Plus. Try building an elephant in your favourite colour. Or do you like pandas, horses or pigs better? 


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Always wanted to be a superhero? Well here is your chance to build one and have fun pretending!

Build, Play and Learn with Plus-Plus BIG

Help your child to learn their alphabet, their numbers, their colours or how to count and stack and build shapes with this educational booklet using Plus-Plus BIG.

Learn, Play , Explore

Learn to build and play with Plus-Plus. This educational booklet has loads of instructions for fun, learning activities along with how to build lots of fun shapes and toys.